Eagle-eyed Chandler fan Olivier Eyquem emailed me recently to say that he had spotted an apparent cameo appearance by Raymond Chandler in
Double Indemnity, the movie he co-wrote with Billy Wilder for Paramount. I went back and watched the scene a couple of times (it appears about 16 minutes into the film), and I'm convinced it's Chandler, too. What do you think?

I've not read before about Chandler making any movie cameos, but seeing is believing. Olivier has
posted about the scene over on his blog (which is in French). It looks like mystery writers John Billheimer and Mark Coggins spotted the appearance not too long ago, too, and there are
some more frame captures on Coggin's blog Riordan's Desk.
Looks like Chandler oke! Well spotted.
Adrian Wootton in 'Sight and Sound' magazine (July '09) agrees with you, in a brief sidebar to a four-pager on 'Strangers on a Train,' for which Chandler wrote the original screenplay.
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